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Tentokrát na tému: Vzdelanie
- Škôlka – kindergarten My son is reluctant to go to the kindergarten.
- Základná škola – primary school A primary school is the first school everybody goes to.
- Stredná škola – secondary school She taught history at a secondary school.
- Rozvrh hodín – timetable He tacked the timetable to the door.
- Vyučovacia hodina – lesson Our first lesson on Tuesdays is French.
- Prestávka- break I really need a break.
- Blicovať – skip classes He supported those students who skip classes for good reasons
- Dávať pozor – to pay attention Please pay attention to what I am saying.
- Opakovať si – to revise I can’t come out tonight. I have to revise.
- Ťahák – cheatsheet It’s unfair because he used a
- Spevácky zbor – choir She sings in the church choir.
- tabuľa – whiteboard Write each teaching point on the whiteboard.
- jedáleň – canteen The food in the canteen is usually quite good.
- Niečo na zahryznutie – snack We only had a little snack at lunchtime.
- Predmety- subjects Private schools tend to stress the more academic subjects.
- Chémia – Chemistry The professor took the students to the chemistry
- Fyzika –Physics He’s very interested in nuclear physics.
- Biológia – Biology In biology class we had to dissect a frog.
- Zemepis – Geography I like geography and history.
- Matematika – Maths I had to have extra tuition in maths.
- Dejepis – History John is good at French but weak at history.
- Telesná výchova – PE On Friday mornings after play, Belle’s class did PE.
- Náboženstvo – Religious Studies Laura is taking A levels next summer in theatre and religious studies.
- Školník – caretaker The caretaker is responsible for the maintenance of the school buildings.
- Vrátnik – doorman The doorman allowed the people in one by one.
Slovná zásoba Vzdelanie – PDF na stiahnutie tu
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