Človek sa učí každý deň niečo nové. Či už si zlepšuje svoje vedomosti alebo získava nové skúsenosti. Pripravili sme ti teda sériu slovných zásob, aby sme ťa naučili niečo nové aj mimo našich hodín. Tento krát na tému – Rodina.
- Mama – mother (mom) How old is your mother?
- Otec – father (dad) Dad thinks it’s a really cool idea.
- Starí rodičia – grandparents She has few memories of her grandparents.
- Svokra – mother in law My mother in law is a very good cook.
- Svokor – father in law Is your father in law friendly?
- Brat – brother My brother is older than me.
- Sestra – sister My sister Alison is like my best friend.
- Nevlastný brat/sestra – half brother/sister I have very good relationship with my half brother.
- Nevesta – bride She was the prettiest bride I have ever seen.
- Ženích – groom The groom was very nervous.
- Jedináčik – the only child I was brought up by adoptive parents as an only child.
- Dvojičky – twins Noell and Craig are fraternal twins.
- Puberťák – teenager The moody teenager was back.
- Výchova – upbringing I wouldn’t wish my upbringing on anyone else.
- Vychovať – to bring up In my day, children were brought up to respect the law.
- Rodinné stretnutie – family reunion This weekend we had nice family reunion.
- Vdova/ vdovec – widow/ widower He left a widow and three children.
- Sirota – orphan Michael was an orphan, adopted at nine months.
- Ženatý/ vydatá – married Are you married or single?
- Rozvedený – divorced My parents are getting divorced.
- Vzťah – relationship She doesn’t really want a relationship with me.
- Rešpektovať – to respect Your mother should be treated with respect.
- Čestný – honest He was a hard-working honest man.
- Dôveryhodný – trustworthy Most of our employees are pretty trustworthy, I think.
- Namyslený – arrogant You are a rude and arrogant young man.
Slovna zasoba januar 2019 – PDF na stiahnutie tu
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