9. Mini lekcia

12. júna 2024

9.Mini lesson/ Mini lekcia
Ako povedať: Keby som mal čas, cestoval by som.
It´s a condition that expresses a hypothetical situation that is unlikely to happen such as our dreams or imagination. 
Táto podmienka vyjadruje hypotetickú situáciu, ktorá sa zrejme nestane, napríklad ak si niečo predstavujeme, snívame o niečom. 
Examples/ Napríklad

If I had time, I would travel more.
Keby som mal čas, cestoval by som.

If she was younger, she would risk more.
Keby bola mladšia, viac by riskovala.
If I were you, I would be more careful. 
Byť tebou, bol by som opatrnejší.
Try itOskúšaj si

If I were rich, I would buy a big house.
Keby som bol bohatý, kúpil by som veľký dom. 
If they visited Paris, they would see the Eiffel Tower.
Keby navštívili Paríž, uvideli by Eiffelovu vežu.